[Achieved] About µWiotys

[Achieved] About µWiotys



µWiotys extends the capacities of your equipment with Long Range (LoRa) technology and LoRaWAN protocol.
µWiotys allows operators to make full use of their Building Management System (BMS) and owners to keep control of their building.

How does µWiotys work?

µWiotys is plug and play solution which compatibles with BMS on the market.

It supports numerous references of LoRaWAN devices on the market as well as the capacity to integrate your own device (only from µWiotys documentation).



  1. Check if the LoRaWAN device is already supported in this list of [Achieved] LoRaWAN Compatible Devices

  2. Configure your devices in µWiotys gateway

  3. The LoRaWAN payload are decoded and available in Modbus registers or BACnet properties and/or HTTP/MQTT output and CSV log files available locally.

Main Feature

  • Unlimited number of devices connected (up to 200 devices with the limitation of Modbus)

  • Data decoding available for a diversity of LoRaWAN devices and capacity of integration your own decoder

  • Both Indoor and Outdoor version gateways available

  • Each device is managed in an individual Modbus address / BACnet ID on the Gateway

Radio Coverage

The radio coverage of the gateway can vary from a few hundred meters or thousands meters to more than 15 km. Several factors should be considered :

  • The location of your devices : outdoor, indoor, deep indoor. Always position your device at least 20 cm away from possible interference like solid walls, metal structures,…

  • The location of the gateway: always select highest ground and position antenna away from possible interference like walls, metal structures,…

  • The LoS (Line-of-sight) between the gateway and devices.

  • The type of gateway and accessories:

    • Indoor gateway Kerlink iFemtoCell and iFemtoCell-Evolution can cover a building using indoor and outdoor devices.

    • Outdoor gateway Kerlink iStation can cover several buildings using indoor, outdoor and deep indoor devices.

    • An external antenna can also be added to iStation in order to extend the coverage.

Wi6labs offers radio coverage studies (Radio-Mapping) and installation services for gateways. Please contact support for more details.
