Modbus table

Modbus table

Data model

µWiotys description | Modbus

µWiotys supports holding register data model.

Registries 0x0 to 0x05 is filled with device configuration upon GW startup.

All other registers are filled upon LoRaWAN message sent by the device.

A register set to default value 0xFFFF (or 0x7FFF for signed values) indicates that the value has never been updated.

There could be several causes:

  • the device didn't send any payload yet.

  • this is not the proper modbus table to read for the device type.

  • the registry isn't available for this model. For instance NKE 50-70-139 only has 2 temperature probes, therefor temperature 3 will always remains 0x7FFF

  • the registry isn't activated for this model. For instance NKE 50-70-016 has 10 contact state. However some could be deactivated on sensor configuration (if so the modbus table will always remains 0xFFFF).

Modbus registers details