Use ModbusDoctor to easily test the system
TCP/IP IP address is µWiotys IP address Numport : 502 - Timeout : 1000.
To read Modbus device previously configured, select slave 5 in modbus doctor.
Get device configuration
Address | Size | Description | Type |
0x0000 | 1 | Modbus dictionary's version | uint16 |
0x0001 | 4 | Device EUI | uint64 |
0x0005 | 1 | Device Wi6labs reference ID | uint16 |
What you can see on Modbus Doctor:
Get device Value
Address | Size | Description | Unit | Data Type |
0x1000 | 2 | last payload timestamp | second | U32 |
0x1002 | 1 | Temperature 0 | Celsius / 10 | S16 |
0x1003 | 1 | Humidity 0 | % from 0 to 100 | U16 |
What you can see on Modbus Doctor:
Real values:
Timestamps = 0x5FCDCF36 (word swapping) = 1 607 323 446 seconds = 7/12/2020 6:44:06
(check for conversion example)
Temperature = 0xDE = 222 Celsius/10 = 22,2 °C
Humidity = 0x21 = 33 % of Humidity