[Achieved] Quick Start

[Achieved] Quick Start

We recommend using FileZilla to configure the device!


Please do NOT reset factory your gateway by keep pushing the reset button or the reset factory option from the web interface ! (or you will lose the µWiotys firmware)

Before push the button, contact your saler to know the process


You can configure µWiotys from a computer within your local network.

Wi6labs provide an Online support interface to facilitate the devices configuration on the gateway but µWiotys does not require internet connection.

Processus to configure µWiotys

Configuration interfaces

Two interfaces are available to customize µWiotys.

  • FTP interface for:

    • Management of the device fleet

    • Configuration of outputs

  • Web Interface for:

    • Network configuration

    • LoRa Downlink management

Connect your gateway

First, install the gateway with proper accessories and connect it to your local network.

µWiotys accessories

You should be able to ping the gateway (default address is
If this is not possible, please make sure that the necessary ports are open. (Those are listed in Description)

The Web interface is used for

  • Network configuration or remote support

  • LoRaWAN Uplink logs and Downlink management

Configure your devices

Next, you need to create the configuration file (named devices_update.json) that contains necessary informations : Reference, DevEUI, AppKey, Modbus Slave address,...

You can check out our https://app.uwiotys.com/index.php/device/list to help you create your configuration file or FTP configuration for expert details.

Once your configuration is ready make sure to rename it devices_update.json.

Push device configuration with FileZilla

It is now time to connect to your gateway using a FTP client (like, for instance, FileZilla)

  1. Open Site manager

  2. Create a new site

  3. Configure host with the gateway's IP

  4. Port is 2222

  5. Use SFTP protocol

  6. Enter User and Password

  7. You now should be able to connect to the gateway


To do so : Edit → Settings


Once connected to the FTP server, copy the devices configuration file devices_update.json (previously created) into the directory: /uwiotys/update_config/

After that, you need to reboot to process the device update.

See FTP configuration for more details.

Read sensors data (Modbus/BACnet)

Finally, you can see your device's data based on the µWiotys output protocol.