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Connect to µWiotys using a FTP client (ex: filezillaFilezilla)

  • Host: $UWIOTYS$IP_IP_ADDRESSAddress_µWiotys (by default:

  • Port: 2222

  • Protocol: SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)


Warning the answer response time of µWiotys' FTP can be very a little bit long, especially on fixed IP.
If necessary, you should extend your FTP Client timeout to 60 seconds, see Application Example

Contact Wi6labs support team for user/password

End device configuration

LoraWan LoRaWAN device provisioning on µWiotys can be done by FTP transfer. First, create the configuration file with proper parameters and format then connect to µWiotys with FTP and copy the configuration file into the proper directory.


The file format should be as follow, several device can be listed in the sensors table.

Code Block
  "sensors": [
      "uwiotys": {
        "state": "add",
        "reference": "50-70-139",
        "output_protocols": {
          "modbus": {
            "@modbus": 1
      "spn": {
        "activation_type": "OTAA",
        "dev_eui": "70B3D5E75E008D35",
        "app_eui": "70B3D5E75F600000",
        "app_key": "725070411F8720932F4A56B6117D0638",
        "dev_addr": "",
        "nwks_key": "",
        "apps_key": "",
        "end_device_parameters": {
          "rx_window": 3,
          "rx_frequency": 869525000,
          "rx_datarate": 0,
          "class": "A"
      "uwiotys": {
        "state": "add",
        "reference": "50-70-053",
        "output_protocols": {
          "modbus": {
            "@modbus": 2
      "spn": {
        "activation_type": "OTAA",
        "dev_eui": "70B3D5E75E008888",
        "app_eui": "70B3D5E75F600000",
        "app_key": "78FF2CDE6D2C657F09981C3332096DF9",
        "dev_addr": "",
        "nwks_key": "",
        "apps_key": "",
        "end_device_parameters": {
          "rx_window": 3,
          "rx_frequency": 869525000,
          "rx_datarate": 0,
          "class": "A"

Upload configuration


Upload the configuration file
  1. Copy the devices configuration file into the directory: /uwiotys/update_config/

  2. Create an empty file named "reboot" in directory "/update/". You can reboot with this or with the button web’s interface.


An electric reboot can corrupt the update process !

  1. After few minutes

    1. If the update failed, you will find information into the file: devices_updates_$DATE_ERROR.log

    2. If the update success, the file the devices configuration file is deleted and you will find the file: devices_updates_$DATE_SUCCESS.log

  2. The devices current configuration of µWiotys is available in the directory: /uwiotys/current_config/


The file format is the same as the devices configuration file, it can be used to remove device for µWiotys config by simply changing "state" from "active" to "remove" for one or several devices and then follow the regular update procedure.


The file format should be as follow.the following examples:

Exemple 1
Code Block
  "http_data_server": {
    "active": true,
    "url": "",
    "headers": {}
    "active": true,
    "nb_week": 15
    "active": true,
    "host": "",
    "port": 1883,
    "topic": "MyTopic",
    "login": "",
    "password": "",
    "secure(TLS)": false
Exemple 2
Code Block
  "http_data_server": {
    "active": false,
    "url": "http://MyHTTPServer:8080",
    "headers": {
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
      "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJBTDBERmROLW1DNFpMTFJCVXh4OFdxN1RNZTVmQ3NNSE1FV1FsUklNYmRjIn"
    "active": true,
    "nb_week": 15
    "active": true,
    "host": "",
    "port": 8883,
    "topic": "MyTopic",
    "login": "MyLogin",
    "password": "MyPass",
    "secure(TLS)": true

Upload configuration


Upload the configuration file


To test the HTTP configuration, µwiotys will send a test request with information about the Gateway (EUI, IP and MAC) and wait for a 200 OK response.

Code Block
    "EUI": "7076FF0056050190",
    "IP": "",
    "MAC": "70:76:ff:03:02:e1"

After a few seconds the LEDs stop blinking, wait another minute then reconnect you to the FTP. The status of the output configuration update can be found in /uwiotys/log/uwiotys_functionnal.log


When the license is valid, you can find informations in the file : uwiotys/log/uwiotys_functional.log.

Logs contain :

Code Block
License allow user to activate the following output:
Modbus output:  true/false
Csv output: true/false
Http output:    true/false
Mqtt output:    true/false

Software Update

It is possible to update the installation of µwiotys to benefit from recent evolutions.
