Port: 2222
Protocol: SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)
Note |
Warning |
the answer time of µWiotys' FTP can be very long, especially on fixed IP. If necessary, you should extend your FTP Client timeout to 60 seconds, see Application Example |
Contact Wi6labs support team for user/password
End device configuration
LoraWan device provisioning on µWiotys can be done by FTP transfer. First, create the configuration file with proper parameters and format then connect to µWiotys with FTP and copy the configuration file into the proper directory.
Parameters for each device
Field | Mandatory | description | Possible value |
uwiotys.state | yes | Required action | "add"/"delete"/"active" |
uwiotys.reference | yes | End device manufacturer reference | Manufacturer reference : see list device |
uwiotys.output_protocols.modbus.@modbus | yes | Modbus slave ID | 1 to 200 |
spn.activation_type | yes | End device activation type, only OTAA supported | "OTAA" |
spn.dev_eui | yes | String of 16 hexadecimal characters | "70B3D5E75E008888" |
spn.app_eui | yes | String of 16 hexadecimal characters | "70B3D5E75F600000" |
spn.app_key | yes | String of 32 hexadecimal characters | "78FF2CDE6D2C657F09981C3332096DF9" |
spn.dev_addr | no | For future use | |
spn.nwks_key | no | For future use | |
spn.apps_key | no | For future use | |
spn.end_device_parameters.rx_window | yes | End device rx windows | This parameters cannot be change |
spn.end_device_parameters.rx_frequency | yes | End device rx frequency | This parameters cannot be change |
spn.end_device_parameters.rx_datarate | yes | End device data rate | This parameters cannot be change |
spn.end_device_parameters.class | yes | End device class | A or C |
Configuration file will be rejected at first error, missing field or wrong parameters.
If the update failed, you will find information into the file: devices_updates_$DATE_ERROR.loglog
If the update success, the file the devices configuration file is deleted and you will find the file: devices_updates_$DATE_SUCCESS.loglog
Current configuration
The devices current configuration of µWiotys is available in the directory: /uwiotys/current_config/
“XXXXXXXX” is the hardware serial number of the board (8 digits, upper case), it can be found on web interface in the Overview ⇒ Information menu.
Field | Mandatory | description | Possible value |
http_data_server.active | yes | activation status of the HTTP output, if activated all device data will be sent to HTTP server, if not no messages will be sent. This does impact modbus output | true / false |
http_data_server.url | yes | url of the external server, it must be accessible from the network of the GW | valid URL |
http_data_server.headers | yes | header information for the server | valid key / value list |
csv.active | yes | activation status of the csv output, if activated all device data be stored in csv files. This does impact modbus output | true / false |
csv.nb_week | yes | Number of week the csv files will be keep. Be careful not to keep the files too long so as not to saturate the storage space | [1:52] |
mqtt.active | yes | activation status of the mqtt output. This does impact modbus output | true / false |
mqtt.host | yes | External Mqtt Broker | valid host |
Http output support both http and https protocols. Mqtt output support both mqtt and mqtts protocols. IN both cases, auto signed certificate are not suppoerted.