Temperature - Humidity
Depending on the type and configuration of your connected LoRaWAN device, you will get one or several values. Please refer to your device manual. If your device only return one value for temperature, it will be available in temperature 0 and updated with each new payload. If your device returns 2 values for temperature, it will be available in temperature 0 and 1, check out the manufacturer documentation for more informations.
Address (hex) | Address (dec) | Size | Description | Unit | Data Type |
0x1000 | 4096 | 2 | last payload timestamp | second | U32 |
0x1002 | 4098 | 1 | Temperature 0 | Celsius / 10 | S16 |
0x1003 | 4099 | 1 | Humidity 0 | % integer from 0 to 100 | U16 |
0x1004 | 4100 | 1 | Temperature 1 | Celsius / 10 | S16 |
0x1005 | 4101 | 1 | Humidity 1 | % integer from 0 to 100 | U16 |
0x1006 | 4102 | 1 | Temperature 2 | Celsius / 10 | S16 |
0x1007 | 4103 | 1 | Humidity 2 | % integer from 0 to 100 | U16 |
0x1008 | 4104 | 1 | Temperature 3 | Celsius / 10 | S16 |
0x1009 | 4105 | 1 | Humidity 3 | % integer from 0 to 100 | U16 |
0x100A | 4106 | 1 | Temperature 4 | Celsius / 10 | S16 |
0x100B | 4107 | 1 | Humidity 4 | % integer from 0 to 100 | U16 |
0x100C | 4108 | 1 | Temperature 5 | Celsius / 10 | S16 |
0x100D | 4109 | 1 | Humidity 5 | % integer from 0 to 100 | U16 |