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IP & Port configuration
The Gateway needs a dedicated IP address on the same VLAN as the Modbus automate. It can be set up as DHCP or static IP.
The default configuration is static IP
The Gateway should be synchronized to a NTP server in order to have valid timestamps of the LoRaWAN payload.
The default NTP servers configured are and, however this won't be valid if the Gateway doesn't have internet access.
µWiotys will use the following port :
Fonction | Port |
Modbus | 502 (by default) |
BACnet | 47808 (by default) |
Application HTTP | Specific port to each application |
Support Wi6labs | 22 and 4443 |
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Support ports are only used if you need a remote support session from Wi6labs support team |
LoRaWAN devices
The device must be added in µWiotys with the following parameters:
Device EUI (DevEUI)
Device Activation Type (OTAA/ABP)
Application EUI (AppEUI)
Application key Key (AppKey)
Manufacturer model reference (see list device µWiotys Compatible devices)
Modbus Slave number device_protocol_id [1 to 200] (for Modbus only )
Only class A and C devices are supported. OTAA configuration is the default configuration. All advanced LoRa parameters are managed by Wi6labs.
Once the configuration is loaded on the Gateway, all devices and corresponding Modbus tables parameters will initialise be initialized after reboot.
Output Data
The modbus starts on the VLAN IP address with the standard modbus port 502. Each device will be seen by the controller as an individual slave, available slave ID are 1 to 200.
µWiotys can be requested by several controllers, however keep in mind that it is useless to pull the registers too often. The LoRaWAN devices will update the registers approximately between 1 hour and 1 day depending on their configuration and type.
µWiotys supports read holding register (function code 3)
µWiotys supports write single register (function code 6) only for several registers (see Modbus table)
Note |
Writing register will trigger LoRaWAN downlink. Please kindly wait ~10s between each command in order to avoid radio collision. |
Note that our µWiotys Modbus registers are formatted with Big-Endian Representation & Zero-based numbering.
Type of value used
Data type | register size | description | range |
U16 | 1 | unsigned integer | [ 0 : 65 535 ] |
U32 | 2 | unsigned integer word swapping | [ 0 : 4 294 967 295 ] |
U64 | 4 | unsigned integer word swapping | [ 0 : 18 446 744 073 709 551 615 ] |
S16 | 1 | signed integer | [ -32 768 : +32 767 ] |
S32 | 2 | signed integer word swapping | [ -2 147 483 648 : +2 147 483 647 ] |
S64 | 4 | signed integer word swapping | [ -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 : +9 223 372 036 854 775 807 ] |
Float (F64/F32) | 2 | Floating point non-swap (abcd) | NA |
To read float, see an exemple at FAQ.
Byte order representation
Swap Mode | Source 4-Byte | Target Bytes | Modbus Register Order | |||||||
N/A | [ a b c d ] | [ a b ][ c d ] | => Wi6labs format |
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Common table
All slaves share a common table with these informations:
Reference ID
Last timestamp
Measurement table
The Measurement table is specific to each device type (Temperature, Industrial,...) without any differences between manufacturer. The data specific to each device type (temperature, voltage,...) will only be available after the first Lora payload is received and will be updated with each new payload.
All the register information is defined in modbus dictionary.
µWiotys supports BACnet protocol (from version 3.4.0).
In a µWiotys LoRaWAN network, a Gateway is the main BACnet object.
This object owns its virtual devices → the sensors. You can visualize the several entries for each sensor.
Adding a sensor in Bacnet
There are no specific operation to do to add a new sensor for BACnet. You can use the Online support interface ( ) to create your infrastructure.
Only Analog input (AI) and Analog values (AV) are currently supported.
Analog values are used to send information to the sensors. Only Classe C sensor are currently supported for this mode.
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data server
µwiotys µWiotys provide an http rest output. This output is configurable by FTP (see Output configuration). An HTTP request will be sent for each frame received in µWiotys, your server must respond with 200 OK.
The json the web interface.
The JSON sent will contain informations of the common table and the measured value.
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If your server miss the request, all the data sent can be retrieve using the FTP in /uwiotys/log/uwiotys_functionnal.log
or using the data logger CSV output.
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Coming soon… |
CSV Data logger
µWiotys provide also a CSV output. This output is configurable by FTP (see output-configuration).You can retrieve the CSV files in the FTP under /uwiotys/log/$END_DEVICE_ID/
. Each sensor has its own folder with its own loger locally on the gateway.
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Coming soon… |