Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
Code Block | ||
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{ "sensors": [ { "uwiotys": { "state": "add", "reference": "50-70-139", "output_protocols": { "modbus": { "@modbus": 1 } } }, "spn": { "activation_type": "OTAA", "dev_eui": "70B3D5E75E008D35", "app_eui": "70B3D5E75F600000", "app_key": "725070411F8720932F4A56B6117D0638", "dev_addr": "", "nwks_key": "", "apps_key": "", "end_device_parameters": { "rx_window": 3, "rx_frequency": 869525000, "rx_datarate": 0, "class": "A" } } }, { "uwiotys": { "state": "add", "reference": "50-70-053", "output_protocols": { "modbus": { "@modbus": 2 } } }, "spn": { "activation_type": "OTAA", "dev_eui": "70B3D5E75E008888", "app_eui": "70B3D5E75F600000", "app_key": "78FF2CDE6D2C657F09981C3332096DF9", "dev_addr": "", "nwks_key": "", "apps_key": "", "end_device_parameters": { "rx_window": 3, "rx_frequency": 869525000, "rx_datarate": 0, "class": "A" } } } ] } |
Upload configuration
Upload the configuration file
Copy the devices configuration file into the directory: /uwiotys/update_config/
Create an empty file named "reboot" in directory "/update/". You can reboot with this or with the button web’s interface.
Note |
An electric reboot can corrupt the update process ! |
After few minutes
If the update failed, you will find information into the file: devices_updates_$DATE_ERROR.log
If the update success, the file the devices configuration file is deleted and you will find the file: devices_updates_$DATE_SUCCESS.log
The devices current configuration of µWiotys is available in the directory: /uwiotys/current_config/
Code Block | ||
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{ "http_data_server": { "active": false, "url": "http://MyHTTPServer:8080", "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJBTDBERmROLW1DNFpMTFJCVXh4OFdxN1RNZTVmQ3NNSE1FV1FsUklNYmRjIn" } }, "csv":{ "active": true, "nb_week": 15 }, , "mqtt":{ "active": true, "host": "", "port": 8883, "topic": "MyTopic", "login": "MyLogin", "password": "MyPass", "secure(TLS)": true } } |
Upload configuration
Upload the configuration file