Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
How can I find the IP address of my gateway?
If the gateway is configured in DHCP, it might be tricky to find IP address to configure uWiotys.
On windowsWindows
you You can use then filter on MAC ADDRESS and / or MAC VENDOR
On linux
Code Block |
sudo nmap -sn | grep "GATEWAY_MAC_ADDR" |
with the network IP.
How to reboot
For iFemtocell Evolution iFemtoCell or iStation:
With Web interface:
Administration > Gateway
With ftp FTP:
Create a an empty file named "
" in the directory "/update/".A file XXXXXXXX_reboot_processed_yy is created once the command is processed.
Command reboot is processed if XXXXXXXX_reboot_processed_yy does not exist and each time the command file is edited.
With Kerlink gateway button:
iFemToCelliFemtoCell: Press the reset button located on the side of the gateway.
iStation: Press once (and JUST only once) the On/Off button.
If the update log isn't created, check the name of your update file : devices_update.json
How do I know my
LoRaWAN device is started?
Firstly, your device must be configured into µWiotys. Check if you can read the devEui from common table (registry 0x01 size 4).
Only then you can start the device (button, magnet, ... … depending on each LoraWan LoRaWAN device), once the device sends its first uplink frame, the registry 0x06 size 2 on common table will be updated (time of the uplink).
The JOIN exchange is not visible on µWiotys, the device must send an uplink.
The timestamp contains the date and time of the last uplink message for each slave, so it can take several minutes or hours to refresh depending of the Lora device uplink frequency.
The GW is automatically synchronised synchronized with NTP reference. Two NTP servers can be configured. When the GW is started it will automatically gets the time from NTP reference. If no NTP is available, the time of the last shutdown will be used.
In case of technical questions, Wi6labs support will ask you to send your platform logs.
connect via FTP and retreive retrieve all files and directories under uwiotys
connect via the web interface and download all 4 logs package from each tab