Only class A and C devices are supported. OTAA configuration is the default configuration. All advanced Lora parameters are managed by Wi6labs.
See FTP configuration for LoraWAN LoRaWAN device provisioning.
Once the configuration is loaded on the Gateway, all devices and corresponding Modbus tables will initialise after reboot.
µWiotys can be requested by several controllers, however keep in mind that it is useless to pull the registers too often. The LoraWan LoRaWAN devices will update the registers approximately between 1 hour and 1 day depending on their configuration and type.
µWiotys supports write single register (function code 6) only for several register (see modbus Modbus table ) Warning, writing register will trigger LoraWan LoRaWAN downlink command, therefore it is best to have a few second of delay between each command in order to avoid radio collision.
All the register information is defined in modbus dictionary.
Type of value used
Data type | register size | description | range |
U16 | 1 | unsigned integer | [ 0 - 65 535 ] |
U32 | 2 | unsigned integer word swapping | [ 0 - 4 294 967 295 ] |
U64 | 4 | unsigned integer word swapping | [ 0 - 18 446 744 073 709 551 615 ] |
S16 | 1 | signed integer | [ -32 768 - +32 767 ] |
S32 | 2 | signed integer word swapping | [ -2 147 483 648 - +2 147 483 647 ] |
S64 | 4 | signed integer word swapping | [ -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 - +9 223 372 036 854 775 807 ] |
float | 2 | Floating point byte swapping (abcd) | NA |
To read float, see an exemple at FAQ