µWiotys will use the following port.
Fonction | Port |
Modbus | 502 |
FTP configuration | 2222 |
Web configuration | 80 |
Support Wi6labs* | 81 |
Support Wi6labs* | 22 |
Application HTTP | could be specific to each application |
Info |
Support ports are only used if your need remote support session from Wi6labs support team |
All the register information is defined in modbus dictionary.
Type of value used
Data type | register size | description | range |
U16 | 1 | unsigned integer | [ 0 - 65 535 ] |
U32 | 2 | unsigned integer word swapping | [ 0 - 4 294 967 295 ] |
U64 | 4 | unsigned integer word swapping | [ 0 - 18 446 744 073 709 551 615 ] |
S16 | 1 | signed integer | [ -32 768 - +32 767 ] |
S32 | 2 | signed integer word swapping | [ -2 147 483 648 - +2 147 483 647 ] |
S64 | 4 | signed integer word swapping | [ -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 - +9 223 372 036 854 775 807 ] |
float | 2 | Floating point byte swapping (abcd) | NA |
To read float, see an exemple at FAQ